New Tax Law Is Fundamentally Flawed and Will Require Basic RestructuringAPRIL 9, 2018
CHUCK MARR, BRENDAN DUKE, CHYE-CHING HUANG The law will cost approximately $1.5 trillion over the next decade and deliver windfall gains to wealthy households and profitable corporations, further widening the gap between those at the top of the income ladder and the rest of the nation. Read more--> Northeast Tarrant Chamber - Business WorkshopLynn was a presenter at the first Northeast Tarrant Chamber of Commerce Business Workshop in January, 2013. She presented Exit Strategies for Small Business Owners.
Lynn is Interviewed by John Criswell:
Hear John Criswell interview Lynn A. Sudbury, CPA/CITP on The Texas Business Update on radio station KLIF 570AM about using QuickBooks in your business. (2 minutes)
Accountants beat banks as most trusted source of advice
In an Accountancy Age article, Rachel Singh states that a fifth (21%) of businesses say they are more open and honest with their accountants than their bank managers, according to a Sage Omnibus survey of more than 1,000 of its customers.
Exactly half, 50%, of those surveyed believe their accountant provides the most valuable business advice...Read more...
ACCOUNTANTS are the most trusted business advisor, following a breakdown in honesty between companies and their bank managers.
Exactly half, 50%, of those surveyed believe their accountant provides the most valuable business advice...Read more...
ACCOUNTANTS are the most trusted business advisor, following a breakdown in honesty between companies and their bank managers.
Supreme Court Strikes Down DOMA, Section 3
Domestic Partners and Same-Sex Couples
This landmark ruling affects federal taxes and benefits.
Learn more.
This landmark ruling affects federal taxes and benefits.
Learn more.